Hotel service

Every villa is a private hotel on its own.

The holiday you want in Marrakech is the finest Moroccan hospitality experience.

Our collection of villas in Marrakech is open all year long for reservations. The collection is constantly maintained and is thoroughly inspected before peak seasons. Every reservation includes at least 3 staff available at the villa : a Housekeeper, a Cleaner, a Security guard

Before your arrival, a Housekeeper is assigned to your reservation.
With the maintenance staff of the villa, your house is thoroughly prepared for you.

Your housekeeper sets the temperature, prepares the bedrooms, outside living areas, takes care of any pre-stocked groceries, and sets the pool heating…

Every hospitality standard is kindly checked, accessible and organised to make your stay at the Villa as smooth as possible.

Included for every booking
TV set
Portable soundsystem
Nespresso Machine

Daily cleaning
Household linen
Baby equipment

Pool maintenance
Garden maintenance

Wait, there is more…

Perfectly suited to your needs

Household Laundry
Travel First Time Marrakech - Swimming Pool Villa Abalya
Pool Maintenance
Pool Maintenance
Outdoor dining area
Wood chimney
Table set
Family Stay Marrakech Villa Babysitter
Baby equipment
Pool towels